The Haven to all Cigar Aficionados
Welcome to Cigar Lounge 33, a dream brought to life by two passionate cigar aficionados, Philippe Denis and Jean-Baptiste Hakim. Our establishment is a haven for all cigar lovers, built upon the foundation of our shared passion. At Cigar Lounge 33, we take pride in offering only the products we deam to be the best cigars.
Our mission is to educate and guide both long-time cigar enthusiasts and novices alike, on their cigar journey . In addition to our exceptional cigar selection, we also curate an impressive collection of high-end alcohols, featuring esteemed brands such as Macallan, Rémy Martin, Bielle, Mortlach, Zacapa, Suntory, and more.
Cigar Lounge 33 is not just a shop & lounge or bar where you can unwind and savor the finest cigars and beverages. We also serve as importers and distributors for exclusive and prestigious brands such as, El Septimo Geneva , offering a remarkable range of Cigars, Cognac, Wines and soon accensories.